Monday, May 21, 2012

A Week in the Life of Callie

Just in case you are wondering what Callie does all week...

We go to the pool... a lot.  Callie loves the water.  As soon as we get there she starts kicking her legs and reaching for the water.  She won't even let me sit on the chair for a few minutes!  She just smiles and laughs the whole time she is in the pool.  These pictures are from a random afternoon trip to Hampton Lake with Auntie Em and Bryan had a little break at work and got to come join us.

Before Emi went to Africa, we went to the pool at the Yacht Club and Callie got to play in the baby pool.  She was laughing so hard it was hilarious!

We also go to the beach... a lot.  Bryan is very into kiteboarding right now so every free moment we have I feel like we are packing up and going to the island.  Callie does love the sand and the ocean, but it is a lot of work for a short 2 hours of fun.  Totally worth it though!

Besides our many trips to the pool and the beach, we still have a few things resembling normal in our life. Like crazy hair do's...

Being cute and silly on the couch...

Laughing and playing at church...

Going for walks around the neighborhood and sometimes to the park...

And going out to eat with Mama D...

Callie is eating all "cut up" food now - no more pureed food!  While it takes a lot less time for me to prepare it, it takes a long time for her to eat it.  She can pick the food up but some of it ends up in her highchair and on the floor - but that is to be expected.  She loves cheese toast.  In this picture, she had peas, watermelon, and cheese toast.  She ate all of the toast before even touching anything else!

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